Various financial institution

who demanded money from the “Dr. Rose M. Petersson Fund”

Book ” Dr Rose part 1″
1. Supreme court
2. Standard Chartered Bank
3. Britain international money transfer monitoring service
4. International Clearing House UK
5. British international money laundry
6. British Ministry of interior
7. British International Remittance (BIR)
8. European international funds remittance
9. British International financial action task force (BIATF)
10. British/Swedish international fund, remittance, ECB
11. Swedish/European international accreditation Correspond-ant
12. European Court of Auditors through the European Anti-fraud ECB
13. European open account center
14. The Swedish banking system
15. the English banking system
16. Brittish banking system
17. European private fund financial court
18. European inward remittance
19. European private funds financial transfer transaction tax office
20. European/Swedish corresponding remittance bank
21. European/Swedish transfer delay remittance account
22. European Head of money laundering regulatory
23. European Transfer money laundering regulatory
24. European funds vault entry sticker officers
Book ” Dr Rose part 2″
25. European Central Bank Vault Delivery Department
26. Costom office Athen
27. Minister of Interior, Atheen, Greece
28. The Greece treasury department for demurrage
29. The Swedish European financial control
30. European delivery treasury
31. European Funds Vault delivery Diplomatic Office,
32. Commerz bank
33. International Monetary Fund (IMF) private funds transfer
34. European private funds transfer regulation
35. European private financial task force
36. Corresponding bank JPMorgan Chase
37. European private funds transfer plat form
38. European remittance treasury Departments of private funds transfer
39. International Monetary Fund (IMF)
40. European union private funds transfer treasury department
41. European remittance control
42. European Account operation unit for re-activation of the account
43. European private funds transfer bureau
44. European Banking Authority
45. European private funds transfer tax
46. European online transfer access

Write and tell if any of the above organizations exist or not.