I need help from you readers.
because Swedbank, MSF, Commerz Bank, who had the opportunity to read the book Dr. Rose, denies everything and claims that everything is a fraud.
I understand MSF reaction, because if it is not a fraud, then their behavior is how they take care of their employed doctors is not good, if it becomes widely known.
Also the reaction from Swedbank is understandable, as their behavior behind the scenes is not good for their “good will”
Commerz Bank’s response after careful investigation, has given me the advice to hire a lawyer.
Are all emails written in the book ”DrRose” FAKE?
tell what you know.
What is true and what is false.
Did Dr. Rose M. Peterson exist and has the “Rose M. Peterson Fund” existed, and where did the money go?
Write and tell what you know to: info@drrose.se